It defined the word professional as relating or belong to profession. The oxford dictionary of English describes it as paid occupation especially one that involved profiled training and formal qualification.

It is a vocation requiring knowledge of some department of learning or science. The word 'profession’ is define by as following an occupation for a livelihood or gain. In a world where a sub-prime crisis and Satyam saga were incomprehensible where the global economic meltdown has affected the livelihoods of millions of people where companies and individuals are routinely revealed to have made an unprofessional choices, the author provides explicit and implicit code of conduct – the boundaries which separate a skilled individual from professional. he asks and gives answers to the toughest questions every professional faces.

In the book, Subroto Bagchi gives us his knowledge based on his lifelong experience, of what it takes to be a professional, what qualities you need to become a great professional, and what are the challenges of the future a professional must be prepared for. The revenue earned from this book is forwarded to MindTree Foundation which helps in the area of primary education specially people with disabilities.

Prashanth from the spastics’ society who was an unusually gifted man helped Subroto Bagchi with all the research work. This book not only speaks about professionals in corporates but doctors, architects, teachers – in fact everyone who works in the professional capacity. During a free ranging discussion on what are the qualities of a professional and how a professional takes decisions in difficult time Subroto Bagchi conceived the idea of writing this book.