Often times, you see characters starting off all care-free and happy and innocent, and then the book shifts with danger and heartbreak and everything else threatening to take that away. This book was much fluffier in comparison, but I didn't mind. The first two books were incredibly dark and I loved that. Not to mention, the internal battles they each faced. Again, if you want to take it all literally and only determine the scale of the 'war' in a purely physical or magical matter, it was somewhat anticlimactic, but again, the familial relationships, friendships, and secondary romances made up for all that.

Each character in their own way, fought to overcome their weaknesses. Some didn’t, but I can admit that there wasn’t much of a clash. Maybe I didn’t think everyone would make it out alive – so safe – with all their limbs attached. Maybe I thought the Big Fight would’ve been dragged out a bit more, and the ending a bit more explosive and just harder overall. I loved the familial relationships in this story – everyone came together throughout it all. He was always meant to play that secondary role, but he did it well. On the other hand, while Ash was somewhat of a disappointment in UNTOLD, and though he didn’t fully redeem himself, I didn’t mind. My point being: the 'humor' didn't cheapen the overall story for me. Of course, I wanted there to be a bit more mourning on that beloved characters’ behalf, but whatever. Like, who does that? In the midst of serious life-and-death issues – and even when there was an unfortunate and utterly heartbreaking death of a beloved character (a favorite of mine), I (guilty) gave in to the treacherous laughter that overcame me with Kami’s quick witted one-liners.

But, SRB did it with such finesse! Awesomely played, and maddeningly hilarious.

Not everyone has the same sense of humor, and it’s hard throwing in the not-so-subtle jokes around in every other paragraph or two. I think that’s the hardest part of writing. Their “end-game” or shall I say, “fresh start” was predictable, but right. I eagerly welcomed that familiar slow burn of ‘almost-but-not-quite’ fiery-passionate, love/tension/banter/chemistry between the two. The epic conclusion to Kami and Jared’s explosive, tumultuous, smoldering love was well played. My emotions are all warped and messy, but I’ll *try* to make this review clean, short, and to the point. This book did not exceed my expectations, but met them. So, how perfect was it that I had The Civil Wars - "Talking In Your Sleep" playing on repeat the entire time I read this? Sigh.